I just wanted to share my old stuff, last 2 month ago. Painted on the surface of the goblet glass..is this correct name for this type of glass. Hehehehe. Whatever! LOL
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Glass Painting
I just wanted to share my old stuff, last 2 month ago. Painted on the surface of the goblet glass..is this correct name for this type of glass. Hehehehe. Whatever! LOL
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nik!! ternganga sekejap..tak terkata...lawa sesangat..jeleslahhh...hehehhe
nik... shantiknyer... cepat la balik mesia bleh buatkan coco plak...
cantikknyerrrr...gerammmm tengok..
KAk Ana
Jgn nganga luas2 sangat..masuk lalat nanti..x pasal2 makan lalat plak. Kuikuikui
Boleh2... raya nanti saya balik. Kalu sempat leh hai2. kalu x sempat ..bye bye je la gamaknya.Coco kat Johor kan..senang skit. Tu pun kalu ada masa ler.
Kak Salmi
Jangan geram2..saba2. :)
nik cantik ya amat terpegun terpesona melihatnya. Kalau dekat2 dgn akak, sahih dah upah lukis ni
Alahai Kak Nor...baru2 nak pandai belajar melukis. X layak lagi rasanya nak amik upah. Takut hasilnya x seberapa.
* pandai melukis eekkkkk
X berapa pandai sangat...baru2 je nak beljar melukis. Banyak yg kena perbaiki.
TQ sudi singgah blog yg x seberapa nih.
salam. Hi ruby..so so glad terjumpa ur beautiful blog mmg suka folk art tapi dah lama tak follow dan tak practice. I'm sure i can learn a lot from ur blog..ur beautiful works inspired me..keep it up..
Nik kalau nak buatkan coco kena buatkan kakak coco ni sekali...jb ngan spore tak jauh tau...okie dokie?...hehehhe..nanti kak ana kasi kek ke cupcake ke...kek betul pun boleh..tapi kek betul beli kat kedai lah..kekeke..
My passion
Thanks. I do hope my blog can give some information about crafting n painting to everyone. Sharing is caring maaa. Thanks again for ur lovely comments.
Kak Ana
Ok ajer...buat sistem bater mcm zmn dolu2. Kalu xder aral..mayb nak singgah singapore bila balik Johor nanti. Tapi tu ler...x leh berangan sekrg..takut x jadi. Kalu jadi leh ler kita jumpa. Hehehe
ok nik, kalau jadi dtg sini bagitau k..mesti nak jumpa..
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