Yesterday, I did my painting on the signage board. Practiced roses by Priscilla Hauser based on Priscilla Hauser's Decorative Workshop Book.
Closed up of the painted roses n effect of the background of the signage board. I used crumpled plastic technique to do it...the steps shown inside the book.
Let me review this book. This book is very good for those who want to learn more about painting techniques especially beginner. Painting techniques such as stenciling, undercoating, working with modeling paste, stamping to create texture and more.This is a great source to teach people how to do so. It also shows how to paint on various of surfaces such as wood, metal, glass, ceramic, fabric and paper. I bought this book at Dubai Mall with the price of AED62. It is very cheap compared to other books.
Rose worksheet inside the book and there is also a leaf worksheet. For painting this rose.... I need little time to learn it because I already know some techniques required in this rose painting compared to Ros Singleton techniques. For Ros Singleton I need a few days to learn all the techniques to make it happen. But for both of the roses..I feel happy to do it.
Salaam Ruby... Nice work..Kz br nk start practise balik...Surprising was..I got the same book of Priscilla Hauser in Aug kat Kinokuniya-KL....My problem is..I pantang nmpk buku to do with DP.. mesti nak beli..last2..bnyk buku dr handywork..ha..ha... Selamat Berpuasa..Love the roses too..beli kat Abu Dhabi ke??
Salam kak Zie
Sama jer ngan saya kak Zie..pantang nampak buku DP..mesti saya rembat punya. kaadang2 samapi 2 3 jenis takut next pergi xder stok. Buku tu saya beli kat Kinokuniya Dubai mall, Dubai. Abu Dhabi xder Kinokuniya...yg ada Magrudy jer. Magrudy plak xder jual buku2 pasal DP ni. Tension saya.
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