Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tea set

My first painting on tea set, done for the Charity Bazaar. I'm very satisfied with the outcome eventhough the colors of the roses a little bit different from the original one before I put it in the oven.

The rose color before I put it in the oven .

The rose color become a little bit yellowish and became peach instead of white. You can see the difference between above picture n this picture. Overall I like it very much. Why must I heat it in the oven? The main reason is to make the painting permanent on the ceramic. And if you want to bake it, make sure you follow the paint manufacturer instruction. Some of the enamel acrylic paint can bake at range 150 degree n some paint at 180 degree. But for Enamel Acrylic Folkart, can bake at 180 degree, higher than Pebeo.

Do not afraid to bake your ceramic because the making of ceramic also involves baking in the oven.


Nor Hafinaliza said...

cantiknya..suka dua2 sebelum dan selepas..

Rubiyanti Basri said...

Masa mula2 keluarkan dr oven...terkejut juga nengok the changes...rasa mcm....alaaaa naper lain plak jadinya. Tp bila lama2 nengok...ok plak...not bad (dlm hati). Anyway, thanks 4 the nice comments. :)

shima said...

hai ruby, cantiklah sebelum dn selepas, guna oven biasa je ke, ruby, cawan tu memang kena beli yang tulis ovensafe ke.... takut masuk2 oven... boooooom... he he, tq ruby, nice work

Rubiyanti Basri said...

Kak Shima

teko tu x tulis pun oven safe tp cwn tu memang ada tulis microwave n dishwasher safe. Tapi xper kak kalu masuk oven sbb asal buatan pinggan mangkuk ceramic kan di bakar pd suhu rasanya selamat. Sy bkr teko tu ok..xder retak or kebaboommmm.

K Shima kalu nak lukis kat ceramic kena guna acrylic enamel paint baru boleh bakar. Acrylic enamel paint memang khas tuk lukis kat ceramic n glass. Kalu guna acrylic biasa...rasanya x sesuai tuk dibakar. Kat label acrylic enamel paint tu ..dia ada tulis suhu tuk pembakaran berapa darjah.

Selamat mencuba. :)