Last 2 weeks project...small roses. I have no mood plus no idea plus lazy also ( many plus ) to work with the lettering...blankkkkkkk. For this roses painting, I used flat brush no 4. If you can see, the color of the leaves are darker than previous leaves. I used Grass Green ( Folkart Plaid ) for the basecoat and double load with Moss Green ( Jo Sonja) + Teal Green ( Jo Sonja ).
I'm not satisfied with the roses...something wrong somewhere.... I'm lost. :( :( :(
Happy viewing
assalammualaikum ruby,
ok je kak shima tengok,...tapi selalu macam tu kan...kurang berpuashati dgn hasil..k shima selalu rasa mcm tu... wah dah kemaruk pn ya... kshima takut nak buat sebab byk step..he he
salam ruby...
amboi banyaknya plus apapun hasil tgn ruby tetap mengancam..
take a break, do some blog hopping for some inspiration..sometimes crafters pun memang camtu..ada je rasa yang tak kena..sure after this the result will be beautiful..
K Shima
Kalu nengok jauh2 nmpk mcm ok. Tapi cuba nengok dekat2...petal dia mcm something wrong. Ada yg jadi, ada yg x jadi. Memang tgh mabuk rose PH la ni.
K Azlina
Hahahaha....mood xder tp ada hati nak berFA bagai. Tu jadi bunga rose yg x berapa memuaskan hati. Thanks kak...jgn puji lebih2...nanti kembang setaman krg org yg kena puji nih.....
K Mi
Thanks 4 the advices. Memang tu ler yg sy tgh buat la tu ler bila nengok org punya...kita punya ler semangat nak buat. Bila dah start buat, bnyk plak gangguan.. trus xder mood.
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