Another decoupage using rosemary rose tissues (if I'm not mistaken for this type of rose). Signage for my front door. Some folk art touch for the stems n red small flowers. Pink outline for the edge of the rose to make it more prominent. And also 3D butterfly.
I used trace n transfer method for the wording. Firstly, I typed the wordings in Word Art and printed it out. Secondly, I traced n transferred the wordings onto the wood surface. Lastly, I painted the words using liner brush.
Close up of the 3D decoupage for the butterfly
I just wanted to share the decals that I bought here at Jarir Bookstore , Meena Centre. Folk Art brand.

Rose stencil n 3D decoupage picture.
nik, luv all ur gorgeous..bunga rose tu nmpk hidup lepas nik touch-up..
TQ Kak MLC 4 the comment. Kak..kalu x touch up...mcm x best ler plak. Rasa mcm x perfect gitu. :)
cantiknya..nampak hidup butterfly ngan bunga rose tu..for sale tak ni..if yes..bape RM..hehehe
Not for sale ler Leena sbb dah tampal kat pintu. Hehehe. Kalu ko nak..aku buatkan. Tapi rega x tau lagi nak letak bape. Once dah confirm rega..aku bgtau ek.
oh not for sale eh..ok xper sbb aku tanya jer..bleh juga kalo ko nak buatkan pastu confirm rega..if not's ok for me..:))
Ok.Noted Leena. Nanti apa2 hal aku YM ko ek.
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